Women of Insurance

We are the only female owned and operated national organization focused exclusively on providing training and support to women that work within the insurance industry. We achieve this through training related but not limited to lead generation, sales, marketing and agency development. The collaborative and motivating culture we provide is instrumental to positive mental health, personal growth and professional development of all women that work within this industry.

Here I am....former Pre-school turned, Insurance Rockstar of 13+ years. It was such an honor to be personally invited to speak at the first Women of Insurance National Conference in Nashville, Tennessee in 2023! This lady next to me is Tracie Wynn...the Founder and CEO of this amazing Organization. She is a woman of integrity, no-nonsense and grit. I have watched her grow an Organization of over 10 thousand women and counting. THAT is such an inspiration!

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What an honor to be a part of this amazing organization! Let me introduce you to my dear friend, Tracie Wynn.

With more than 20 years of sales experience and ten years working in life insurance with a team of more than 250 agents, Tracie helps others achieve the same success she worked for.

As the force behind WOI, Tracie continues to build upon the model and vision of the organization to support more women and help professionals in insurance to thrive.

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If you have a story, and a heart

to encourage other women too....

then Friend, you could be

the next flower in my bouquet.

Let's have a conversation!

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