Glasses Off

with Ciara Laine Myers

meet Ciara

Ciara Laine Myers is like you: a beautifully-complicated, multi-faceted human. She loves her family and friends and she loves to read.

Like you, she’s not just one thing. She’s both a mother and an award-winning business owner. She’s both shy and silly, a book and sports type of girl. Because of her layered nature, and down to earth disposition, her textured storytelling is fresh and refreshing.

You can find her in the pages of her book "Glasses Off" and in Prosper, Texas where she lives with her husband Paul, her daughters Audri and Averi and her dog Zoey. In her book, she takes you through her own personal journey into discovering God's calling, uncovering your vision and identifying God's purpose for your life. Ciara sparks the imagination with her personal and cultural stories, vulnerability, practical insights, and biblical anchoring. She writes in a way that is whimsical, lighthearted and substantive all at the same time. It is as if you were sitting at a table with her enjoying a nice cup of coffee having a conversation that leaves you both encouraged and challenged to live life to the fullest.

I've read the book, and you should too Friends! Discover the beauty of walking in God's calling on your life and taking the "glasses off" so He can bring ultimate clarity to your Vision!




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Do you ever feel that longing in your heart to "see God" and have full clarity on the purpose He has for your life?

Join me in this sweet conversation with the Author of "Glasses Off: Seeing God when Your Vision is Gone".

Glasses Off is a gentle nudge, a warm but challenging invitation to focus. With one living, breathing essay after the next, Ciara Laine Myers welcomes you in with her authentic voice and tender heart. These fresh words serve as a reminder that while life looks different for each of us, God's mysterious ways don't always need to be so shrouded in mystery. That if we face ourselves, reflect, and grow, our lives can radiate-they can be as exquisite as we'd hoped. And, when we realize that God is present, beckoning us toward something greater, toward a specific vision for this season of our lives, we can relish in the fact that it's up to us to find Him now-that it always has been.

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be my guest

If you have a story to tell, and would like the opportunity to encourage other women with your work...then Friend, we should talk! It would be an honor to link arms with you!

Rach xo

Your story is rare, unique and special. Don't be afraid to share it.

@ Copyright 2023 by Rachel Earp | All rights reserved