Working with Your Spouse

with Dale Earp

meet Dale

Dale Earp is an Entrepreneur, Founder and Investor of multiple Companies nationwide. After graduating Neshaminy High school, he became an award-winning Sales Manager at Reedman-Toll Auto World as well as achieving Top Performer for General Motors. He then started his first Company in 2010.

His dedication and determination to defy the odds against him, propelled him to work hard to achieve success.

From Dale’s first paper route job at nine years old, to learning how to Box in his teens, there had always been a drive to do something meaningful with his life.

Among his greatest accomplishments was achieving the Next Generation Leadership Award in New York presented by Congressman Tom Reed, special recognition from United Healthcare, a personal invitation for his Companies to be a part of the Trump Administration’s Workforce Initiative, closed-door meetings with the President of the United States, and his ultimate favorite…being a Dad to two awesome boys.

He has been happily married for thirteen years and will tell anyone he meets that he’s just getting started. Dale is an Influencer, and one who cares deeply for people and gives anyone he meets the opportunity to rise to the top with him.

Follow Dale on Instagram @iamdaleearp or learn more by visiting You can also check out his Podcast called "I Did it My Way" with Dale Earp.




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This episode goes down as my first everrrrrr male guest....who also happens to be my other half, Dale Earp.

I'm excited to share this with you all because we will be talking about working with your spouse. We have been working together for over ten years now, and married for nearly twelve. The beauty of us working together is that we have been able to link arms, grow our Companies and achieve success beyond our expectations. We are "better together".

However...that doesn't mean that there are not challenges, hurdles and moments when we almost want to choke each other (not really, lol) but you know what I mean! Working with your spouse can be hard! our opinion, the good far outweighs the bad. We will share openly our take on this subject, how we've made it work and why we are such advocates for husband/wife teams. Stay tuned for a raw, un-edited version that we hope will inspire you today!

If you haven't already, you should totally follow Dale at @iamdaleearp on Instagram to see what he's up will enjoy his travels, funny faces, advice on success and Entrepreneurship. Learn from the guy who built a Nationwide company from the ground up- all by himself!

He is kind of a big deal!

be my guest

If you have a story to tell, and would like the opportunity to encourage other women with your work...then Friend, we should talk! It would be an honor to link arms with you!

Rach xo

Your story is rare, unique and special. Don't be afraid to share it.

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