Honor the Intention

with Heidi Gruss

meet Heidi

Heidi is a wife, mother of 3 girls, Clinical Psychotherapist, Coach and Entrepreneur.

She wears many hats and does it beautifully!
Heidi believes that successful women work hard to achieve their wildest dreams. While there is fulfillment in achieving, as they approach their internal glass ceiling, they feel they should be happy but they’re not.

They are in a new Quicksand, as she refers to it, and there is so much uncertainty about how to get out to begin their new journey toward a different level of success.

Transformation Methodology that Heidi created introduces the strategies and skills necessary to reach the next level of success to include more joy and celebrations! She is a brilliant Coach who understands that growth and success must have sustainability, or we lose the purpose of it all.

Follow Heidi Gruss on social media or visit her website www.heidigruss.com.





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It's that time of year! Where we start to reflect on this past year gone by and what lies ahead for the new one. We think about our goals, ambitions, and all the things we had hoped to accomplish but maybe didn't quite get there.

Friends...don't be discouraged! In this episode, Heidi Gruss shares about "honoring the intention". She is a Clinical Psychotherapist, Coach and Entrepreneur who guides people through sustainable growth. You will love her words of wisdom and how she brings a whole new light to end of year and new year resolutions! Prepare to be blessed!

be my guest

If you have a story to tell, and would like the opportunity to encourage other women with your work...then Friend, we should talk! It would be an honor to link arms with you!

Rach xo

Your story is rare, unique and special. Don't be afraid to share it.

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