The Sacred Words Blog

Sacred Words is a faith-driven blog dedicated to helping women flourish in every aspect of life.

Covering topics like faith and devotionals, wellness, emotional well-being, nutrition, recipes,

parenting, relationships , and business growth, each post is designed to uplift, inspire,

and equip readers with practical wisdom. Curated by Rachel Earp and her Contributing Author Team,

Sacred Words offers a space for authentic conversations, encouragement, and biblical truths

to guide women in their personal and professional journeys.

Whether you're seeking spiritual growth, healthier habits, or business insights,

this blog is your go-to source for faith-filled inspiration.

Rachel Earp

Author | Podcaster | Encourager

Amber Ginter Johnson

Author | Speaker

Ashley Vruwink


Why I Switched to Linen Bedsheets

Why I Switched to Linen Bedsheets

Why I Switched to Linen BedsheetsRachel Earp
Published on: 04/08/2024

Switching our bedsheets to pure flax linen has been a heavenly dream! Linen has a high frequency that is healthy for the body and promotes a more restful, serene sleep. There are many health benefits of linen, so let's dive in together!